This companion started to be written as I taught LEIC-T/LETI and LEIC-A 2015 Software Engineering classes in Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon.
During the first iteration, in the spring 2015 semester, I wrote a entry for each of the main topics. The pages will be refined and extended in future semesters.
In the fall 2015 semester, while teaching the Software Architecture course, I’ll add material on software architecture, in particular I intend to use real applications as case studies.
The companion is a moving artefact, that I will keep changing through time. Students, and readers in general, are welcome to leave their comments and suggestions, in particular real cases to be included in the companion, on the Discussion tab for each page. I will use them to improve and enrich the companion. You can also drop me an email at Rito DOT Silva AT tecnico DOT ulisboa DOT pt. Thanks!
Thanks for sending comments or corrections:
- João Pedro Pereira
- Tomás Alves